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How to resolve bugs/mites/worms on my easyplant?
How to resolve bugs/mites/worms on my easyplant?
Updated over 9 months ago

All our easyplants are treated before they leave the growing facility to your home. During the lifetime of the plant there are several reasons that mites, spiders, or other small bugs can find their way into your easyplant and we recommend the following:

  1. Wiping down the top and bottom of each leaf, and all of the plant's stems with an plant friendly insecticidal soap.

  2. Spray the top of the soil with plant friendly insecticidal soap which will dehydrate them.

Your easyplant is a living thing and from time to time may need your help to thrive.

Here is a link to an insecticidal soap that we are happy to recommend. Please note we are not affiliated in any way with the company that offers it.

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